Here at Scoil Naomh Fursa we love getting involved in different projects and events throughout the year
Arts- Music & Drama
Pupils from senior infants up learn the tin whistle. Children are encouraged to bring in other instruments and play with the school band.
The band performs at the St. Patrick's Day parade in Headford every year.
All Pupils sing in the school choir and participate in church cermonies in St. Mary's Church, Claran. In December 2013 we were invited to sing in the Cathedral in Tuam and it was a great honour to do so.
Each year the school puts on a Christmas concert for family and friends. In recent years the senior classes have performed musicals.
We have a girls and boys football team.
We hold inter class blitzes within the school.
We participate in Cumann na mBunscol competitions and Mini Sevens.
Each year we enter 4 teams in the County Cross Country Championships.
2017 saw the arrival of rugby into the school.