Fourth and Fifth Classes 2021-2022

Fourth and Fifth Classes 2021-2022

Welcome to our page!
Check out our gallery towards the bottom of the page to see our year in photos.


We love doing Art in our classroom and enjoyed creating some lovely cups of hot chocolate using oil pastels. 

Rang a Cúig are very busy preparing for Confirmation also. 


Click here to see our school Christmas 2021 page.


There is great excitement about the place as we have started practising for our Christmas concert!

We also enjoyed creating silhouetted trees in art. 


We enjoyed creating pastel pumpkins to help decorate our school for Halloween. 

We loved showing off our costumes in the parade outside. 


We love art! We studied Picasso and created some cubism inspired portraits and other wonderful artwork to decorate our display boards. 

In maths we learned all about data and multiplication. 

We loved reading Roald Dahl stories, learning all about Mé Féin agus an Fómhair in Irish and practising our GAA skills on Fridays. 

Our Gallery

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