Infants 2021-2022

Junior and Senior Infants 2021-2022

Welcome to our page!
Check out our gallery towards the bottom of the page to see our year in photos.


This January we worked on lots of lovely art.

We linked Maths and Art and created penguins using lots of different shapes. 

We love to paint and we painted wonderful winter trees. 


Click here to see our school Christmas 2021 page.


We were very busy getting ready for Christmas by decorating our room and school.

We also learned lots of poems and songs for our Christmas concert show!


We like to decorate our school and we have been very busy making some lovely Halloween art and decorations to hang up. 

We also enjoyed showing our great Halloween costumes.  


We love to create. We especially love art. We like to make lots of nice, colourful artwork to hang up all around our room. In our Aistear stations, we  make lots of lovey creations and we had great fun creating in the hall too!

Our Gallery

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