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Weaving Well-Being Journal
"Outside the Box has produced a free activity journal (At Home with Weaving Well-Being) to help children to enhance their mental well-being through a range of activities." Please click on the link to access it.
Stay Safe
"The Stay Safe programme itself is a personal safety skills programme designed for use with primary school children from Junior Infants through to 6th class."
"Webwise provides a range of free primary and secondary school teaching resources addressing a range of topics including cyberbullying, image-sharing, social media and more."
Healthy Lunchboxes
"Lunches provide around one third of our daily nutritional needs, so it’s important to put some thought and planning into them. Here are some tips on how to prepare a healthy lunchbox."
Safe Cross Code
"Lunches provide around one third of our daily nutritional needs, so it’s important to put some thought and planning into them. Here are some tips on how to prepare a healthy lunchbox."
Scoil Naomh Fursa
Scoil Naomh Fursa is a mixed school with five mainstream class teachers, two Special Education Teachers and our new special ASD class which opened in September 2024.
Full Day Care - 51 weeks per year 7:45am until 6pm.