Third Class 2021-2022

Third Class 2021-2022

Welcome to our page!
Check out our gallery towards the bottom of the page to see our year in photos.


As part of Science we have been exploring different types of soils in the environment. We observed, collected and examined different soil samples. We had great fun!

We love to do Art in our room and we created some wonderful landscape art focusing on mountains and lakes and the solar system. 


Click here to see all our school Christmas 2021 page.




We love art in our room and enjoyed drawing waterfalls and creating firework art.

We also enjoyed using our maths eyes in the environment for Maths Week

To decorate for Halloween we created spooky haunted house collages. We enjoyed dressing up too!


 We enjoyed making time machines and learning all about The Stone Age. In science we learned that eggshells are similar to tooth enamel and did some experiments. We love practising our GAA skills on Fridays and are practising our Irish phrases every day!

Our Gallery

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