SFI DPSM Awards 2019 - 2020

Science and Maths Awards 2019-2020

SFI Discover Science and Maths Awards News

Well done everyone in Scoil Naomh Fursa. 
Your hard work has paid off and we have been awarded our 7th Award. Here is the wonderful feedback we received;

Well done - this was a very comprehensive LOG of EVIDENCE of the variety of STEM learning experiences you had during the year. I particularly liked that you turned a classroom into an observatory - what an interesting idea! I also like the cooperation that your showcases illustrate - 6th class making pancakes for the younger learners and all the classes keeping up-to-date display boards around the school informing the whole school of their activities - a great way of learning from one another and inspiring colleagues. Congratulations on achieving the Plaque award- keep up the good work and maybe consider applying for the Badge of Excellence next year. 
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